17th World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA)
The 17th World Congress will be held on June 6-10, 2014 at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center (KHBTCC) on the Dead Sea, Jordan.
The 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA) will feature the work and findings of leading scholars in economics and related fields, and will provide an excellent forum to present one's own research results.
Important Dates:
January 31, 2014 — "Early Bird" Registration Deadline. Call for Registration (Early Deadline) (.PDF)
January 31, 2014 — Notification of paper acceptance or rejection
January 31, 2014 — Deadline for applications for the travel grants for students from developing countries
March 15, 2014 — Registration deadline for presenters of papers (failure to register by this date will mean that your paper will not be included in final program)
April 4, 2014 — Last day to register at a reduced registration fee
June 6, 2014 — IEA World Congress begins
The Latest Call for Papers (.PDF)
Decisions on submissions will be made by January 31, 2014 and all authors who have submitted papers will be told by this date if their paper has been accepted or not for the IEA World Congress, Jordan 2014.
The Columbia Global Center of the Middle East will host the 17th World Congress of the IEA.
Congress Website: http://iea-world.com
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