The European Investment Bank Institute is introducing a new Prize in Economics
The European Investment Bank Institute is introducing a new Prize in Economics, to be awarded annually, for outstanding work in a pre-assigned general topic. The Prize has been created to recognise and stimulate excellence in economic and social research, and its implementation and diffusion. The Prizes will consist of two awards:
- an award for lifetime scientific contribution, the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of EUR 40 000
- an award for promising scholars under the age of forty, the "Young Economist Prize" of EUR 25 000
The first Prize will be announced during in the Fall of 2013 and the topic for this year will be "Growth, employment and convergence, with applications to the European Union".
The prize winners will be selected by an independent jury, chaired by Professor C. Pissarides.
The European Investment Bank Institute invites you to submit a nomination for one or both awards. Please submit your nomination by April 15, 2013.
Please click here to nominate a candidate for the Outstanding Contribution Award and click here to nominate a candidate for the Young Economist Prize.
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